A battle-hardened orc warchief, Ghorvak is a staunch protector of his tribe and a ruthless enforcer of their will, blending raw strength with unyielding leadership.
Name: Ghorvak
Race: Orc
Class/Role: Warchief and Tribal Defender
Age: 42
Ghorvak is a towering orc with gray-green skin crisscrossed by scars earned from countless battles. His broad shoulders and powerful frame give him an imposing presence, and his fiery red eyes burn with determination and ferocity.

His jet-black hair, streaked with gray, is tied into tight braids adorned with bone beads, each representing a victory or a significant event in his life. Ghorvak wears a suit of studded leather armor reinforced with iron plates and carries a massive warhammer engraved with tribal symbols. His right fist, covered in jagged scars, is rumored to have shattered the skulls of enemies in a single blow, earning him the nickname “Stonefist.”
Born into a proud orc tribe that roamed the rugged highlands near the Briarthorn Bluffs, Ghorvak rose to prominence through his unmatched strength and unwavering loyalty to his people. He became warchief after defeating his predecessor in ritual combat, cementing his position as both a leader and a symbol of his tribe’s resilience.