Bysaes Tyl
Bysaes Tyl, the largest elven city in Wildemount, is located in the northern region of the Pearlbow Wilderness.
Bysaes Tyl is built within the boreal forests of northern Zemni Fields and borders closely to the Greying Wildlands. Its architecture features tall wooden arches and warm hearths. The city is nestled below a vast network of treehouses and bridges that form the upper levels of the city, giving it a rustic and elven charm. The streets are made of smooth stones set in packed earth and enchanted to warm the pathways and melt the frequent snow, making it an ideal place to live for the elves.

The founders of Bysaes Tyl were elves who fled the destruction of Molaesmyr in the Savalirwood, and they established the city in a hidden location away from the eyes of the expanding empire. During the construction of their new home, the elves of Bysaes Tyl faced harsh winters, but they persevered through adversity and looked to the future of their society, leaving their past behind. This experience forged a hard, guarded, and tight-knit community that has persisted throughout the years.

The city's structure is split across two elevations: one on the forest floor and the other partially within and around the trees, giving it an air of rustic nostalgia that tempers its elven mystique. The walled surface streets are known as the Rough or Talan in Elvish, and many structures weave between rocks and wide-trunked trees, giving a slanted shape to the tall, wooden exterior walls. Most of the structures here are made from pine and other taiga trees, and their design resembles a bowed arch rising to a skyward peak. Bysaes Tyl is a unique and beautiful place that stands as a testament to the resilience and creativity of the elven people.