In the Endless Expanse's bustling town of Haboob, Zarax the Unyielding revives the Scufflestray Gauntlet. Face grueling trials and fierce champions in this grand arena. Triumph brings wealth, honor, and the favor of Gnome King Thizzlewick.
A remote outpost, inhabited by archaeological researchers in the Whispering Tundra has gone quiet. Communications are lost and the party is hired to investigate.
As the sun rises over the rolling hills of Vastwyn Valley, the tranquil beauty of the landscape belies the mysterious disturbances that have recently plagued the region.
Welcome to Gaiathrae, a world brimming with magic, mystery, and adventure. This enchanting realm is divided into two main continents, Eldervast and Veridya, each teeming with diverse landscapes, rich cultures, and countless secrets waiting to be uncovered.
In the Elven village of Goldleaf Haven, deep in the Ardent Woods, a beloved woodworker's tragic murder casts a dark shadow over a peaceful community. As whispers of secrets and hidden rivalries echo through the branches, a mystery must be solved before the true culprit escapes justice.
In the sprawling, golden pastures of the Wanderlust Plains, two centaur clans, the Ombu and Pampas, prepare for a crucial summit under the shadow of the Great Ombu Tree.